Dump helper as an alternative to var_dump()

When you user var_dump() a lot for debugging it can become quite cumbersome to try and make something of the spaghetti it throws at you. This helper utility function is in my general_helper file to print any variable in a way that is structured and pleasant to the eye.

Make sure to get the latest version from github.

 * Dump helper. Functions to dump variables to the screen, in a nicley formatted manner.
 * @author Joost van Veen
 * @version 1.0
if (!function_exists('dump')) {
    function dump ($var, $label = 'Dump', $echo = TRUE)
        // Store dump in variable 
        $output = ob_get_clean();

        // Add formatting
        $output = preg_replace("/]=>n(s+)/m", "] => ", $output);
        $output = '<pre style="background: #FFFEEF; color: #000; border: 1px dotted #000; padding: 10px; margin: 10px 0; text-align: left;">' . $label . ' => ' . $output . '</pre>';

        // Output
        if ($echo == TRUE) {
            echo $output;
        else {
            return $output;

if (!function_exists('dump_exit')) {
    function dump_exit($var, $label = 'Dump', $echo = TRUE) {
        dump ($var, $label, $echo);